Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Happy To Be A Cracked Pot

Do you have a favorite super hero? 
 I have to admit, I'm a superman fan!  
I mean, super speed, super strength, super hearing, super sight, the dude can fly and he never seems to age...what's not to like??!   

I think as Moms, Dads and ministry leaders, we fluctuate between wishing we had super powers and truly believing we actually DO have super powers!  I mean, how else can you tame a room full of 4 and 5 year olds for an hour or answer the questions that 5th and 6th graders throw at you?  How else can you keep up with soccer schedules, PTO meetings, dance recitals, church ministry, grocery shopping and cleaning the house??  It's got to be super powers!

As much as I like to joke about being "super", when it comes down to it, more often than not I feel pretty inadequate.  Which is why, I love a verse that a friend shared with me a while ago...I love it so much, that it made it to my office wall!(**see below)

     "But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all surpassing power is from God 
and not from us." 
 2 Corinthians 4:7

We are purposely made with cracks and inperfections so that when we are "super", the cracks can show that the super power is from God alone and not ourselves.  Isn't that a relief?!  We don't have to be super, we just need to be connected to our super God and allow Him to shine 
through our cracks and crevices.  

So, this fall when we begin Kidz Club (or your church's midweek school year program), keep in mind that as awesome as you already are...lean on God's strength and power, He wants to shine through your cracks and be glorified through you!  

Want to read more about my crazy office wall??