Saturday, September 5, 2015


If you are anything like me, whenever your Pastor asks you for your vision for the ministry, you have a tiny panic attack.  Some people can easily see where a ministry should go, they are visionary, they can think WAY outside the box.  Other people need a little help-that's where I fall.  I can take an idea or thought and go crazy with it, but I usually need someplace to start.

A few months ago, our Pastor and Elders prayerfully adopted a new vision for the church!  It's really an amazing picture of where we are and where we are headed. The short version is "To see the transformation of people and communities everywhere for God's glory".  People's lives are being transformed by God at our church, and it's exciting to watch!  So then, the memo went out that ministries need to re-think their own vision statements...gulp.

So the thinking began...the good thing is, being a ministry within the church, I had a place to start!  No need to re-invent the wheel, the Pastor and Elders already did that (hehe).  All I needed to do was look at the vision they set out and see it from Kidz Ministry perspective. 

So, here's what God gave me.....

Kidz Ministry Vision Statement:
To see transformation take place in the lives of kids and families by presenting Jesus, encouraging life change, creating relationships, thereby discipling, and loving kids and their families with the love of God.

Short version:
To see the transformation of kids and their families for the glory of God.

How do we do that?
·       Presenting Jesus and the Gospel more often and intentionally.
·       Encourage life change by modeling how we are changed, giving ideas/instruction how to make a change and giving space for response.
·       Relationships/Discipling by allowing and creating connections with kids and families that go beyond the church walls.
·       Loving kids and families by providing emotional and spiritual support through relationships.

The vision statement gives us direction, where we are going with the ministry.  Can you imagine what will happen with the church if the kids in our Kidz Ministry's lives are transformed for Jesus???  They are the church!  They aren't even the future...they are the now!  If they are transformed and on fire for Jesus....look out!  Then, we will reach out and effect our community...they will.  It's like that old song..."It Only Takes A Spark".  Anyone else remember that from camps when you were kids?  Yep, one kid...transformed.  Look out.  

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