Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Jesus And A Worry Doll

I was trolling through some Kidz Ministry ideas on Pinterest one day and ran across a post that piqued my interest.  The post was about showing kids how to use "worry dolls".  The gist of the thought was, that a child can tell this little doll a worry and then it's off their mind, because the doll will worry about it for them.  

Sounds like a great plan...except I don't know any dolls that know how to worry like I do! 

This got me thinking about prayer. 

 I have a habit of falling asleep while praying.  Yes, I know, this is probably severely disrespectful to God, and I feel awful every time.  HOWEVER...when I am intentionally going through my thoughts at night and giving them to God (and fall asleep in the midst), the sleep is SOOOO sweet!!  Why?  Because the worry is in God's hands now, what better place than that?!

So, I was thinking prayer...and kids...and that kids worry a lot.  So much more than when I was a kid.  In ministry, I see kids struggling with family divorce, sick loved ones, struggles at school, body image worries...the list goes on and on.  
Kids worry.  They see adults worrying about something and they take that on themselves.  Worry effects kids (and adults) physically.  It can cause headaches, belly aches and  irritability.  These are some of the symptoms that I have seen in kiddos.
  It breaks my heart!

How can we help kids remember to give things over to God?  

Back to the "worry dolls".

   Kids are capable of praying just as well as any adult can.  They understand that God hears them and that God understands what they are saying.  But, kids also like to touch/feel/see things.  I really liked the idea of a worry doll, but I think we need to change the focus!  
What if we gave a pipe cleaner person to a kiddo,  to remind them that there IS a person they can tell all their worries to and they don't need to worry about it any more?!  Jesus wants to take those hurts and worries from kids AND adults,
 it's just a matter of giving it over!!  
So, yes, I will continue to fall asleep while praying.  I think God wants to hear those worries and that He wants us to rest in His care.  No better place to be resting than that!!  

In peace I will lie down and sleep,
for you alone, Lord,
make me dwell in safety. 
Psalm 4:8

1 comment:

  1. Love this post, Jody! What a comforting thought and a great reminder.
