Thursday, August 27, 2015

Summer's over already....Wait, What!!??

Where on earth did the summer time go???!!!!  I mean, yeah, things were crazy with Kidz Camps, but really now...just slow down!  All the sudden, the fall Kidz Ministry Season is upon me and holy cow, hang on tight, it's gonna be a fun ride!
In these final 2 weeks before the kick off for then new season of both Kidz Church and Kidz Club, there is much to be done!  Now is the perfect time to go through classrooms to assess what's needed (supplies), what needs updated (painted/new decorations/tables swapped around, etc.), cleaning those scary shelves that I've avoided for a few months (holy spiders!!!) and taking time to just look around with fresh eyes.  Once I get over the initial, "ok, this really needs done...GET UP",  it really is fun to make plans and get things looking fresh!
Of course the first thing to do is get on the phone with your Sister (she works in kidz ministry with me...what could be cooler than that!?) and start collaborating on what would be awesome!  Then, is the all important Wal-Mart trip for essentials! Did you know that those $1 plastic table clothes make amazing curtains!!!  What a great way to spruce up your kids area!!  We use them on either side of our screen and randomly here and there for a little added color.  And, who cares if after 2 months they are a little tattered....THEY COST A BUCK!  ;)
So, plans are in the making...things are rolling along.  Time flies way too fast.  My prayer is, that it never goes too fast that I'm not stopping to spend time with my Lord and remembering that in all the busyness of ministry, that God is still and always first.  
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight. 

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