Tuesday, November 3, 2015

This Wall

My office is like an explosion of color, toys and crazy kid stuff.  Sometimes adults walk in and cannot handle the sensory overload, but...I love it! 

 This is just a little taste of my world... :)
I love that kids can come to my office and not feel out of place.  I have blown bubbles in my office, played sticker games, talked serious family stuff with kids, talked about Jesus, held small groups and just hung out with kids here.  

But my favorite wall in my office is right next to my desk.
  This is what is looks like...

This wall is where I hang some of the pictures
 kiddos color or draw for me. 

This wall is where my favorite encouragements come from. 

This wall is where I post verses that I either LOVE or 
that I NEED to see often. 

 This wall is where kids and friends 
plaster sticky note encouragements for me.  

This wall is always changing and growing.

  I need this wall.  

Kidz Ministry is draining.  I love it, but it does drain ya.  Kids are needy!  They NEED to know they are loved.  They NEED to know that God is there for them...over and over and over again.  They NEED to have hugs.  They NEED your attention.  
It's easy to get caught up in what's happening in the kid's world, what is happening to them, what the next special night is at Kidz Club, what the next theme is in Kidz Church.  It's easy to be fully overtaken by the need and the programs.  It's easy to get lost in what is on the schedule.  It's easy to get lost in the kidz ministry world.

That's why one of the verses on "my wall" is 
 2 Corinthians 4:18.  So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.  
Fix your eyes.  That means they stay there and don't wander.  What your eyes are fixed on is the most important thing in the world.  If we remember to fix our eyes on Jesus, not on what is around us, we won't get lost or caught up in what is happening.  And then, we can truly minister to what is around us!  
We will begin to see it through Jesus Vision!  
As teachers, helpers, kids ministry leaders...if we fix our eyes on Jesus, if we REALLY fix our eyes on Him...what do you think will happen in our ministries????  
Possibilities are endless.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Jesus And A Worry Doll

I was trolling through some Kidz Ministry ideas on Pinterest one day and ran across a post that piqued my interest.  The post was about showing kids how to use "worry dolls".  The gist of the thought was, that a child can tell this little doll a worry and then it's off their mind, because the doll will worry about it for them.  

Sounds like a great plan...except I don't know any dolls that know how to worry like I do! 

This got me thinking about prayer. 

 I have a habit of falling asleep while praying.  Yes, I know, this is probably severely disrespectful to God, and I feel awful every time.  HOWEVER...when I am intentionally going through my thoughts at night and giving them to God (and fall asleep in the midst), the sleep is SOOOO sweet!!  Why?  Because the worry is in God's hands now, what better place than that?!

So, I was thinking prayer...and kids...and that kids worry a lot.  So much more than when I was a kid.  In ministry, I see kids struggling with family divorce, sick loved ones, struggles at school, body image worries...the list goes on and on.  
Kids worry.  They see adults worrying about something and they take that on themselves.  Worry effects kids (and adults) physically.  It can cause headaches, belly aches and  irritability.  These are some of the symptoms that I have seen in kiddos.
  It breaks my heart!

How can we help kids remember to give things over to God?  

Back to the "worry dolls".

   Kids are capable of praying just as well as any adult can.  They understand that God hears them and that God understands what they are saying.  But, kids also like to touch/feel/see things.  I really liked the idea of a worry doll, but I think we need to change the focus!  
What if we gave a pipe cleaner person to a kiddo,  to remind them that there IS a person they can tell all their worries to and they don't need to worry about it any more?!  Jesus wants to take those hurts and worries from kids AND adults,
 it's just a matter of giving it over!!  
So, yes, I will continue to fall asleep while praying.  I think God wants to hear those worries and that He wants us to rest in His care.  No better place to be resting than that!!  

In peace I will lie down and sleep,
for you alone, Lord,
make me dwell in safety. 
Psalm 4:8

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Keeping Kids Focused on Jesus (with help from some duct tape)

Kids love stuff.  Particularly stuff that can go with them wherever they go.   These things are incredibly important to them.  Special.  Loved. 

Kid's stuff + teaching in Kidz Ministry can get a little hairy. 

Last year while teaching Second Graders, they were bringing in a multitude of "special stuff "every week and it was getting harder and harder to teach.   I decided that the stuff had to go! 

I love duct tape. (I may or may not have a duct tape collection...haha) I grabbed a roll of one of my favorites and an empty honey bun box......

And taped up the box, so it looked fun,
then had the kiddos empty their pockets as they came into the room.

  It wasn't that they were necessarily being bad with this stuff...but it was keeping their's and other's attention on stuff.  And, taking attention away from why we were there...Jesus.

I read this great blog post over on the Christian and Missionary Alliance kids website!!  I couldn't say it better than this.  Check out Abby Burg's thoughts on keeping kids focused in the classroom, and how "Chuck" saved the day.  >>>


Try it out!  Grab some fabulous duct tape and collect some stuff.  

Keeping our kids focused on Jesus...that's the key!  

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Prepare and Pray

So a new fall and winter season of Kidz Ministry is upon us!  Time to buckle down and get back into the routine of things! I thought I'd share some lesson planning thoughts to get us up and rolling along again. 

The week before teaching is a great time to just breeze through the lesson.  I like to "chew" on things, put my twist into a lesson-which, by the way, is TOTALLY ok to do!!!  Everyone teaches differently, teach your way, don't ever get hung up on the way someone else teaches. God gives us each gifts, each personalities...use yours :)  

Anyway....back to the lesson...
So, looking at it a week before gives you time to think through the lesson, the better you know the Bible story or Biblical application the lesson is pointing to, the easier it is to teach. This also gives you time to gather any odd supplies you may need.    
Most written out lessons will tell you exactly what you need and what to say during the course of the class time.  They will also give craft or activity ideas.  It's really great that these things are all laid out, BUT, I would hate for anyone to ever get stuck inside the box.  Like I said...everyone has their own way to teach.  If you have a great way to get the Biblical application across, go for it!!  If you are more comfortable with following a lesson as written, that's great too!  

Crafts and lesson ideas are BOUNTIFUL on Pinterest.  (I love that site...it's so fun to sit and pin and pin and pin...)  Why bother racking your brain when someone else already did all the work for you!   You can find some crazy and fun ideas for any Bible Lesson you are looking for.  Here's the link to my kids ministry ideas board on Pinterest:  Kidmin Stuff

If you are anything like me...you will do the bulk of your lesson preparation the night before teaching!  There...my confession.  I'm a procrastinator.  
Which is why looking through the lesson quickly a week before is a great idea! Then, I've already done my idea thinking all through the week.  The last minute details for a lesson prep is marking/underlining any thoughts in the lesson that you want to remember to get across to the class, read through all the Bible passages you'll be reading in class (trying to sound out some of those crazy biblical names on the fly, can be seriously embarrassing), making sure you have all the materials gathered for teaching and pray.  

Don't underestimate the power of praying over your lesson.  Pray for understanding for you and the kids. Pray for the ability to easily remember what you desire to tell the class.  Pray for peace in your room ( yep...sometimes you need this prayer more than others!). Pray for response- you want the kids to respond to what God is saying.  Pray for time management.  Pray for your ability to answer questions (you know...like, how much does God weigh? sigh). Prayer is vital when teaching.  

Teaching is an amazing opportunity.  This is a chance for God to speak through you to the little people that are our church.  They can hear from God NOW and what you teach makes an impact on eternity.  

Be prepared.  

Saturday, September 5, 2015


If you are anything like me, whenever your Pastor asks you for your vision for the ministry, you have a tiny panic attack.  Some people can easily see where a ministry should go, they are visionary, they can think WAY outside the box.  Other people need a little help-that's where I fall.  I can take an idea or thought and go crazy with it, but I usually need someplace to start.

A few months ago, our Pastor and Elders prayerfully adopted a new vision for the church!  It's really an amazing picture of where we are and where we are headed. The short version is "To see the transformation of people and communities everywhere for God's glory".  People's lives are being transformed by God at our church, and it's exciting to watch!  So then, the memo went out that ministries need to re-think their own vision statements...gulp.

So the thinking began...the good thing is, being a ministry within the church, I had a place to start!  No need to re-invent the wheel, the Pastor and Elders already did that (hehe).  All I needed to do was look at the vision they set out and see it from Kidz Ministry perspective. 

So, here's what God gave me.....

Kidz Ministry Vision Statement:
To see transformation take place in the lives of kids and families by presenting Jesus, encouraging life change, creating relationships, thereby discipling, and loving kids and their families with the love of God.

Short version:
To see the transformation of kids and their families for the glory of God.

How do we do that?
·       Presenting Jesus and the Gospel more often and intentionally.
·       Encourage life change by modeling how we are changed, giving ideas/instruction how to make a change and giving space for response.
·       Relationships/Discipling by allowing and creating connections with kids and families that go beyond the church walls.
·       Loving kids and families by providing emotional and spiritual support through relationships.

The vision statement gives us direction, where we are going with the ministry.  Can you imagine what will happen with the church if the kids in our Kidz Ministry's lives are transformed for Jesus???  They are the church!  They aren't even the future...they are the now!  If they are transformed and on fire for Jesus....look out!  Then, we will reach out and effect our community...they will.  It's like that old song..."It Only Takes A Spark".  Anyone else remember that from camps when you were kids?  Yep, one spark...one kid...transformed.  Look out.  

Friday, August 28, 2015

School and Prayer...Hand in Hand

This Sunday will be the last, before all the kids in our church will all be headed back to school!  Schools are so different today than back in the dark ages when I attended.  Kids face pressures that we as adults today, struggle to fully understand.  Pressures from teachers, parents (even when we as parents don't mean to apply un-needed pressure) and from other kids.  Bullying is at an all time high, even though schools outwardly oppose and attempt to put a stop to it.  When I ask the kids in my ministry for prayer requests pertaining to school, bullying is always top of the list.
With that being said, it's so very important to really cover the kids in our ministries in prayer!  And to let them know that they can ask for prayer when they need.  Kids need to know that they, too, can pray whenever and wherever they are!  Teaching them that prayer doesn't live in a box, that they can talk to God when they need, is the ultimate tool for school.

I would love to send the Kidz Church kiddos back to school with some kind of awesome "goodie" (what Kidz Ministry person DOESN'T wanna splurge on the kids!! )  BUT...budgets, you know... 
I wanted to send the kids off with a specific verse this year, and remind them of one of our Kidz Ministry Core Truths (more on them in another post!). 
 "Trust God-He is always there for me. 
 No matter where I am, God is with me. 
 I can trust Him with every part of my life."  
And the verse- Joshua 1:9.  SO...I created labels on my computer and attached them to pencils with colorful eraser toppers (thank you back to school sales!)  
I think the kids will like them!  I'm looking forward to Sunday, giving these to the kiddos to remind them that God goes with them to school, and praying for them, and with them before they head back to school!!  Take time to pray with your kids this week!  :)  

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Summer's over already....Wait, What!!??

Where on earth did the summer time go???!!!!  I mean, yeah, things were crazy with Kidz Camps, but really now...just slow down!  All the sudden, the fall Kidz Ministry Season is upon me and holy cow, hang on tight, it's gonna be a fun ride!
In these final 2 weeks before the kick off for then new season of both Kidz Church and Kidz Club, there is much to be done!  Now is the perfect time to go through classrooms to assess what's needed (supplies), what needs updated (painted/new decorations/tables swapped around, etc.), cleaning those scary shelves that I've avoided for a few months (holy spiders!!!) and taking time to just look around with fresh eyes.  Once I get over the initial, "ok, this really needs done...GET UP",  it really is fun to make plans and get things looking fresh!
Of course the first thing to do is get on the phone with your Sister (she works in kidz ministry with me...what could be cooler than that!?) and start collaborating on what would be awesome!  Then, is the all important Wal-Mart trip for essentials! Did you know that those $1 plastic table clothes make amazing curtains!!!  What a great way to spruce up your kids area!!  We use them on either side of our screen and randomly here and there for a little added color.  And, who cares if after 2 months they are a little tattered....THEY COST A BUCK!  ;)
So, plans are in the making...things are rolling along.  Time flies way too fast.  My prayer is, that it never goes too fast that I'm not stopping to spend time with my Lord and remembering that in all the busyness of ministry, that God is still and always first.  
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight. 

Testing, Testing, 1,2,3

So, I've decided to try my hand at blogging.  :)
There are so many different areas involved in Kidz Ministry, from curriculum selections, to room preps, to teachers (training, recruiting, appreciating), to the ins and outs of running an actual program,  to connecting with other churches, to parent interaction and of course....the kids themselves!   My thought was, to try to gather all these thoughts that run pell nell through my brain into one spot.
  I love Kidz Ministry and all that it entails.  What's not to love about short people who think you are amazing cuz you can speak in silly voices, make balloon animals and remember all the motions to kids songs!  I love their ability to realize, at an early age,  that Jesus loves them so much and that He has a plan for them!  If only adults could easily get past all the life junk we have to see that when it comes down to it...Jesus just loves us. Period. Yes, He does.  
So anyway...this will be my "spot" to ramble on about all things kidz.  And, I do mean ramble!  And sometimes...I'm sure posts will be fairly random! Cuz, well, that's me :)